Page name: Rain Lovers [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-05-04 19:10:11
Last author: 4everThyme
Owner: 4everThyme
# of watchers: 34
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Welcome to Rain Lovers. This is for those that like to Dance in the rain; Those that love to listen to the melody of each drop hitting the ground. All of you that find rain relaxing instead of a waste of a day are welcome in this wiki. My name is Kassie. My all time favorite thing to do when it is a warm, rainy day is to dance, dance around in the cool relaxing rain. For all who are with me feel free to join. Just ask in the comments or messege me.

-Rain Goddess-
[4everThyme] Yep. *dances around in rain with arms in air* Weee

-Rain Goddess Sister-
[Stormqueen] w00t This is the owner of
Rainy People Club

-Rain Dancing/Huggle Buddy-
[Mordeth] you r special now
[Gaara of the Desert] well being from Washington the rain puts me to sleep nightly

-Rain Gods- (not as powerful as me for i am ruler lol)
[Toshi Umezawa] thanx for inspiring me to make this wiki.
[nameless, again] yay you r a god now lol.

-Mastress'- (male version of Mistress) ^-^
[Zealot2.0] you are now a mastress... to me. but i still rule this wiki go me go me lol
[XReaverX] welcome to the life of a mastress

More members at Rain Dancers

Rain Poems


<img:> [4everThyme] I made this yay it looks so good.
Code= <*IMG:*> (without stars)

compliments of [Deus_Casus] =

Compliments of [Alex DeLarge] =

More banners on BWL banners

--Sister Wiki--
Rainy People Club
Owned by ~*~[Stormqueen]~*~

Username (or number or email):


[4everThyme]: indeed

[Anime chíca]: yes indeed

[BloodyRedRose]: i wanna say indeed.....................................indeed

[4everThyme]: yay *hands you all a cooky. pulls a large cloud out of my pocket and makes it rain* every one dance *dances in rain*

[Anime chíca]: *joins in dancing in the rain*

[BloodyRedRose]: *takes cookie and dances in the rain* yay!!!

[Fizban]: OMG i cant believe my eyes...i love rain! wow they make a wiki for everything dont they...

[Ghost Lilly]: just about

[BloodyRedRose]: hehe

[Anime chíca]: lol

[RoseAngel]: Hello, may I join?

[BloodyRedRose]: sure ya can :P but im not aloud to put u in cuz im not the maker...but it is for everyone right??

[bluefarie]: hey, what's up ppl???

[BloodyRedRose]: absolutly nuthing

[Wes Foxx]: Whose the person who adds us to member list? -is encouraged to start writing his poem Analysis of Water now that hes joining another weather wiki-

[Anime chíca]: ello ppl

[Wes Foxx]: heya

[Deus_Casus]: i see no link from the rainy people's club to here, a bit one sided dont u think (read previous chat between wiki godesses in this wiki)

[Deus_Casus]: nvrmnd

[Turn Me On Mr.Deadman♥]: yaaay its raining in spain! ~stands out side n does lil dance~

[Wes Foxx]: Its been forever since it rained here =( or even snowed for that matter, except for some wimpy flurry that didn't even show up except for on a few frozen puddles Xx

[BloodyRedRose]: awwe :(

[Wes Foxx]: I miss St. Louis rain somewhat. We'd get relaxing showers, envigorating rains, and awestriking storms. The only problemb was some of those storms had a tendancy to form supercells and tornados, being that lower Missouri is part of Tornado Alley

[4everThyme]: did you want to join Fizban???

[Wes Foxx]: My Analysis of Water: The water is clear, the water is cool, The water is shining in a crystaline pool. The water is clensing, the water is warm, The water is constantly changing its form. The water is tranquil; its peacefully raining; The waters of earth all life are sustaining. Water is complex, both deadly and healing, The rushing white rapids a thousand lives stealing. Yet at the same time, so many are living Because of the relief that water is giving. Washing out wounds, washing out fields, Giving and taking, it both rebels and yields. Water is the only reason we're even alive; It gives every human their body's drive.

[Wes Foxx]: Theres almost no where to go where it cannot be found; Great lakes and rivers, oceans all around. Most of the world is kept in its hold, From the tropic's warm gulfs to the polar's deep cold. Almost nothing we make, the most complex compound, Within the greater part of them some water is found. Yet humans cant controll it, as we're realizing, The crushing tsunamis and floodwaters rising

[Wes Foxx]: ^^; I thought that this poem I wrote might be on-topic for this kinda wiki

[4everThyme]: hey thats really good. you wouldnt mind if i added it to the poems page would you?

[Wes Foxx]: please do =)

[Kanza]: the rain...rain is the best...especially when it just completely drenches u+ that makes me feel high and i love the rain...can u add me to the rain dancers?

[bluefarie]: i love the rain...i think it's intoxicating!

[BloodyRedRose]: Rain Rain come today and dont forget tomorrow!!!! its a poem!! wanna put it up?! lol im juss playin

[Funeral_ Of _Hearts]: i was wondering if you could join me to rain lovers wiki. please.

[bluefarie]: i think u have 2 contact the owner...i think...?

[Stormqueen]: Yes, but I can also add ^_^

[Anime chíca]: i'm bored i want it to rain and it hasn't for like 2.5 months

[Wes Foxx]: I want rain >< it calms my disturbed complex little soul. My inner demon goes away when it rains O_o ~takes anti-crazy pills and shuts up~

[Anime chíca]: okay i think a lot of ppl need rain to keep there inner demon in

[Wes Foxx]: aside from occasional outbursts into my disturbing little diary, im good at surpressing it Oo i need rain to make it shrink

[Anime chíca]: i can't keep a diary i end up ripping them into shreds

[Wes Foxx]: i actually ment my ET diary Oo

[Rattie]: Can i join?

[*Sairy*]: hiya

[Anime chíca]: well that makes since but then i get made at the computer

[Wes Foxx]: It lets me get my feelings out without having my parents or teachers be able to find them o_<

[bluefarie]: i want it 2 stop snowing already....

[Wes Foxx]: its rainy and windy here. yay wind! ^^

[4everThyme]: man it is raining today w00t w00t i am happy now. i think i am going to walk around in the rain. i love my online diary... but i keep one in my room too so i can vent and everything since my compy is down right now...

[bluefarie]: aawwwwwww! i hate when tht happens..

[Anime chíca]: i want it to rain

[4everThyme]: yeah it snowed instead of rained

[bluefarie]: yeah...what a bummer...

[4everThyme]: grr yeah it is

[Wes Foxx]: I love the snow but unless its enough to make stuff out of or cancel school, its just annoying.

[Ghost Lilly]: I HATE SNOW! ITS EVIL AND TRYS TO KILL YOU! Um... I mean....yes...

[bluefarie]: i hate shoveling snow...

[Ghost Lilly]: I hate everything about snow

[bluefarie]: well, i like how it looks on the trees...

[Wes Foxx]: I like the serenity it brings, the way you can build stuff, the fact it closes schools

[bluefarie]: 2...

[Anime chíca]: it hasn't rained her for like 4 months

[bluefarie]: wow thts bad!!!!

[This is a Deleted Account]: Hello, can i join?

[bluefarie]: u have 2 ask the owner...

[Stormqueen]: I'm not the owner, [4everThyme] is, but I can add your name yes ^_^ Tell me what you want behind it.

[bluefarie]: oooo...srry!

[4everThyme]: i need it to rain right now so that all my issuse can dissapear for a little while... *bows head* please rain!!!!

[Demon-child]: Being somewhat blonde at times, can't seem to quite figure out how to join. Could anyone see fit to helping me here?

[Wes Foxx]: this is one of those wikis you gotta have the page owners add you too

[4everThyme]: yeah i like to know who joins so I have people ask to bring it to a more personal level *smiles* i will add you

[Wes Foxx]: i used to do that with the Order of Inari but it was a hassle Xx doesn't matter now anyways, we havent had a new member in about a month XP

[4everThyme]: well sooner or later I am sure this will be forgotten... I have [Stormqueen] help me out. she adds people if i cant and I check the update but yeah

[bluefarie]: thts cool...i should have like a co-owner...2 my wiki..

[4everThyme]: its the best

[bluefarie]: im like a co-owner 2 my mom's wiki...sortta...i help her a lot w/ the pics & stuff....teddy bear lovers

[4everThyme]: cute

[bluefarie]: ...thnx...i think...

[JupiterStar]: can we use that banner in our houses?

[4everThyme]: which banner??

[JupiterStar]: the one with all the rain droplets

[~Lunacy Fringe~]: i like that one

[bluefarie]: yeah..its cool!

[TillowFrik]: can I join? :3

[4everThyme]: you can use any banner on this page and you'll have to ask [Stormqueen] if you want to use the ones at the other page

[Stormqueen]: I added this wiki to the wiki's that are aloud to use them so that's all all right ^_^

[bluefarie]: yay!

[Anime chíca]: IT RAINED

[Deus_Casus]: it rained so f***ing much here that the power went out 4 times

[Deus_Casus]: no electricity=*******************

[Stormqueen]: ~the firts rain since the springwetter~ Oh how nice does that smell ^_^

[Deus_Casus]: rotten fish, is it suppose to be like fresh cut flowers?

[~Lunacy Fringe~]: eweweweweweweweweweww i hate rotten fish btu rain smells nice

[Deus_Casus]: no no i mean when it rains, it smells like rotten fish, that's the chesapeak for you

[BloodyRedRose]: sumtimes it smells like rotten fish but sumtimes it doesnt..

[Deus_Casus]: heh, well do you live anyware near the chesapeak Maryland, if not then you wouldnt know how foul it smells where i live

[bluefarie]: nope...i wouldn't know.....

[~Legato~]: hello!! May I join this wiki? ^-^

[bluefarie]: idk...may u?

[~Legato~]: idk...May I?...

[bluefarie]: ask...[4everThyme]

[~Legato~]: thank you ^-^

[BloodyRedRose]: ok no guess i wouldnt no hehe

[Deus_Casus]: what be going on my droogs and Baboochkas

[Alex DeLarge]: I think I may grazzy my Neezhnies from all the censorship.

[Deus_Casus]: god damn thats some bolnoy cal, delarge

[Deus_Casus]: better cheest your neezhnies

[Alex DeLarge]: Well, i'm Oddy-knocky.

[Deus_Casus]: delarge, this is choodessny

[Alex DeLarge]: That it is, Good Brother. That it is.

[Deus_Casus]: ay, how bout you ask one of these dama for a little in-out-in-out?

[Alex DeLarge]: What, like your sister, aye?

[Deus_Casus]: tell them to get nagoy and go to your domy

[Deus_Casus]: or vise versa what ever works brother

[Alex DeLarge]: Ah, something Dorogoy, like Gulliver?

[Deus_Casus]: indeed a dobby cheena should always be able to give a malenky gullier

[Alex DeLarge]: Right right right.

[Deus_Casus]: maybe, if your lucky brother, be able to chaibag them

[Alex DeLarge]: Or maybe the full in-out-in-out.

[Deus_Casus]: got to love the zvook of thier crark, dear brother

[Deus_Casus]: ah, the in-out-in-out is dobby, but you have to find other ways

[Alex DeLarge]: Sort of baddiwad with a Charlie, it is.

[Deus_Casus]: but the devotchka has to be a clop-itty, for the in-out-in-out to work

[Deus_Casus]: ofcourse dear brother it is, godman will be like that one day

[Deus_Casus]: its even better bratty when the devotchka can govoreet grazhny

[Alex DeLarge]: Maybe you should Skazat Andrea that she'll have no Grazhny Messels about me now that she's dating a yahoody.

[Deus_Casus]: its andrea, she'll always grazhny messles about you

[Alex DeLarge]: She should have been Lubbilubbing with me when she had the chance to.

[Deus_Casus]: should have, but you know how the damas are

[Deus_Casus]: they got to in-out-in-out with you first

[Alex DeLarge]: All the same, she had time to.

[Wes Foxx]: THEYRE SPEAKING IN TOUNGES! *grabs a holy staff* DEMONS BEGONE! *whack!*

[Deus_Casus]: right right right

[Deus_Casus]: you're no godman, you govoreet chepooka

[Deus_Casus]: dont clop me in the litso like that my droog

[Wes Foxx]: Im the son of a godman! *chants in latin* ex corpore spiritu evocat! *picks up staff again, smack!*

[Deus_Casus]: i am bog, nachinat with

[Alex DeLarge]: Well someone's had a bit to much of the old Dremcrom. He's Viddyin' demons instead of us!

[Wes Foxx]: *puts kanji-covered spell scrolls on their foreheads* DEMONS BEGONE! *they're surrounded with white light*

[Alex DeLarge]: White, my favorite color! Choodessny!

[Deus_Casus]: your no orange, just a hound-and-hornybratchny

[Deus_Casus]: your not the only one that can govoreet latin my droog

[Deus_Casus]: cant spell worth cal though

[Deus_Casus]: alia aiacta est

[Deus_Casus]: you dont need the ex

[Wes Foxx]: it makes it emphatic. At least I got you to stop shouting random made-up nonesense.

[Deus_Casus]: me and the devotchnka that owns this place go to the same latin class

[Alex DeLarge]: No one is speaking Chepooka, deb.

[Deus_Casus]: its the language of nadsat my droog

[Deus_Casus]: how choodessny it is that you dont understand

[Deus_Casus]: maybe you should stop with the in-out-in-out and smot it up in a biblio

[Wes Foxx]: *muzzles Deus* whatever language your speeking, give it a rest already. eesh.

[Alex DeLarge]: What are you doing, Manhandling him for?

[Deus_Casus]: zammechat, could it be your spoogy of the language of nadsat?

[Alex DeLarge]: He doesn't get a Pan-Handle over it, good Brother.

[Deus_Casus]: thats some merzky cal, my bratty

[Wes Foxx]: *takes the page off of his watched pages list* idiots e_e

[Deus_Casus]: nazz

[Alex DeLarge]: True it is, but I'll be off to have in-out-in-out with your sister now.

[BloodyRedRose]: man im doin the same as [Wes Foxx]

[Deus_Casus]: for the win

[Alex DeLarge]: For the win, good brothers. For the Win.

[Deus_Casus]: we got dva ookadeet, dear bratty

[Alex DeLarge]: Indeed, an accomplishment well deserving of some Spatcka.

[Deus_Casus]: i have a feeling, that [4everThyme] will give me some cal come skolliwoll on wednesday

[Alex DeLarge]: A day has past, and not a single Razz to comment? Impressive.

[Deus_Casus]: indeed dear brother

[Deus_Casus]: ok devotchkas and malchicks obviously you think we are govoreeting chepooka, govoreet up if you got any guttiwuts


[Deus_Casus]: that was on my own time, and the name is Donny

[Deus_Casus]: aw, for the love of sweet satan, you people are boring!

[Alex DeLarge]: I'm SIIIINGIN in the RAIIIN...just SIIINGIN IN THE RAIIIN....

[Deus_Casus]: i had to run through the rain, mud and puddles, and the air was filled with dying worms and rotten fish

[Alex DeLarge]: In my area, you don't go outside when it rains. Because When it RAINS, you get sucked RIGHT INTO THE GROUND. Like bad vaccum cleaner with a stupid maid behind it sucking up your socks.

[Blaithin]: Can I join please? :)

[Hyperfisk]: I would like to join too...

[Alex DeLarge]: Please be paitent. The goddess of this Wiki doesn't have the easiest access to the internet.

[Hyperfisk]: Okay, then we will be patient, and wiat for the goddess... Then I will just enjoy the rain outside my window...:D

[guiltyangel]: can i join please?

[Alex DeLarge]: In the meantime, please don't shy away from starting a conversation. This place needs it, sometimes.

[guiltyangel]: :) hi then

[Deus_Casus]: why hallo thar...

[Blaithin]: When I say that I sound southern....probably killing it too hehehe

[Deus_Casus]: nah its ok, its suppose to delarge and i have written some good stuff go look at them, like some of the more recent posting about what we think of rain

[Hyperfisk]: Hmm... okay. Oh, and hello!

[4everThyme]: I have added all who have wanted to be added... thank you for your patience. my compy is dead so i use the libraries. sorry  Donny for getting your name wrong

[Deus_Casus]: no need to appy polly loggy kassie everything's all dobby, this is your domy after all, although a few chellovecks here are full of cal and chepooka, dont worry about this oddy-knocky place, you can go back to lubbilubbing with drencrom droog or dva

[Hyperfisk]: Haha, sure! I'll go and do that!!!:D

[4everThyme]: english... i dont understand that mess... and be nice!!!! even though i dont know what you said

[guiltyangel]: thank you for letting me join

[Hyperfisk]: Oh, have I thanked you for letting me join?? Well, now I do...:D THANKS!=D

[4everThyme]: its no problem... oh and I want to have a competition for a new banner.... I will make the link and everything later... thought i would let you all know so you can get ready if you want to make one... would any oe be interested? message me if you are

[Alex DeLarge]: Why I have some stock photos I could flip though and make one right quick.

[4everThyme]: sweet deal ... anyone else cuz i get more ppl i can actually have a competition if not you can just win by default and we can use yours... but make sure it says rain lovers at the bottom puweeeeez

[Deus_Casus]: alex you should design one, i did. look at the quaility of mine

[Deus_Casus]: kassie: just to piss you off go translate it yourself

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